This may not help either since your 8 digit number doesn't fit the format - it couldn't be a '66 since they didn't use serial numbers before the mid 70s. So my earlier post that the guy I bought it from might be wrong he must have bought it new in '86 or near the first of the year. Posted -: 18:29:59 Probably no help, but my friend just sent me a shot of the back brace stamp and it is 612036 for this mid 80s Aria. I sent my coworker an email to get th serial number off the LW20 - I think based on my earlier searching its a production sequence number and maybe this will give you a ball park.

The solid wood models like the AW and SW I remember as being really pretty nice. They are 10 times the instruments they put out these days. I think they came out early 80s and were made for most of the 80s. On this same site there is a price list from mid 70s and none of the AW/SW/LW series are listed. The only infomation I have ever found is here: This catalog dates from the 80s. No serial number is listed but I found the. Aria guitars serial numbers represented the year of. If you cannot locate a serial number, chances are your guitar was.

I traded it off a couple years ago to a co-worker and it still looks like new, short of some fret wear. The LW had a laminated top, and as such was built like a tank, but it played really well and didn't sound bad and I never had to worry about stability or cracking. I took that thing all over the world with me. I bought it used from a guy who had bought it new in '85. Posted -: 16:22:56 Hey Bruce, I used to have an LW20 I picked up in the late 80s when I was in the Air Force in Germany.